Broaching Racialized Sexual Harassment Against Asian Women
Presenter: S Anandavalli PhD, NCC, CCTP
Description: With rising anti-Asian hate, and history of fetishization of Asian women in the United States, there exist multiple threats to their mental health, and their optimal development. Responding to paucity of training opportunities, this webinars offers strategies grounded in the Multidimensional Model of Broaching Behavior to broach racialized sexual harassment experienced by Asian women.
CE Content Area: Social and Cultural Foundations.
Attendees will learn about the history of anti-Asian sentiment in the U.S.
Attendees will learn about racialized sexual harassment and intersectionality theory.
Attendees will identify key ways to broach racialized sexual harassment with their Asian women clients.
Presenter Bio: S Anandavalli (she, her, hers), PhD, NCC is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Southern Oregon University, and an Associate Editor for The Professional Counselor. As a feminist scholar, her interests center around intersectionality; research ethics, mentorship, minority mental health; social justice and activism; career development; and critical research methodologies. Committed to anti-oppressive counselor training, she has researched, presented, and published at various peer-reviewed journals; regional and national conferences; and webinars.